Hymeneal, faithful, deafened truth
The Funeral
The Movement of Art Movement
The Shuska
Movement of Art Exhibition online
- Hymeneal -
Humbled shamed and drained
To find yourself humble is essential.
Those words contain so much you can spend a month discussing them, well I can or I should say I could if I found anyone who would listen.
The anagram of the The family The Feud and the Funeral shocked me when I discovered it. Hymeneal the God of marriage Faithful until the death it does part and to complete the poetry a deafened truth.
A truth of the impact of a death, one that cannot be described or assessed, counted or understood, it cannot be reasoned with, helped or manipulated it just runs its course with or without sequence. It has no level. It broke a part of me, it woke a part of me and I am drained.